Page 11 - Mason Company: Trusted Animal Housing Solutions
P. 11
Our animal housing systems are designed to keep the
Our animal housing systems are designed to keep the
comfort, safety and health of the dogs a top priority while
comfort, safety and health of the dogs a top priority while
looking great and also being easy for staff to clean. The
looking great and also being easy for staff to clean. The
most elaborate and extreme environments trust our kennel
most elaborate and extreme environments trust our kennel
design, as our products are located in the finest pet resorts,
design, as our products are located in the finest pet resorts,
veterinary hospitals, animal shelters and in all four branches
veterinary hospitals, animal shelters and in all four branches
of the United States military, the Department of Homeland
of the United States military, the Department of Homeland
Security, the United States Border Patrol and countless
Security, the United States Border Patrol and countless
police departments.
police departments.
DOG SOLUTIONS | 800.543.5567 | 937.780.2321